Fall 2020 Newsletter

By | October 31, 2020


Fall 2020

I hope everyone is coping with this temporarily disrupted life we are dealing with. Let’s trust 2021 will be an improvement. Obviously, our neighborhood get-togethers (Spring & Fall Flings) had to be postponed but we’ll look forward to next year. Here are some things you should be aware of. Some are repetitions from prior newsletters because we have some new neighbors who may not know about them.

– Bill Needham, President, Linene Woods HOA


If you have tree dead fall or yard debris that needs to be removed, remember the Waste Pro guidelines. Small piles will be picked up. Leaves, grass trimmings, straw or pine cones must be in some kind of container (paper bags, black yard trash bags, bins) for weekly service.

Call Waste Pro, 606-1899 (or email to www.wasteprousa.com) to schedule a pickup for large piles. Yard debris must not be mixed in with other types of materials. Have a separate pile for each type of material. Limbs/branches can be no longer than 6 feet long and 4 inches in diameter and stacked no higher than 4 feet. Place piles within two feet of curb and near where your trash is normally picked up, so that it is clear that the pile is from your property.

Large trees must be cut into rounds no longer than 2-3 feet. A special charge applies. Call to get an estimate of the cost and to schedule service. Payment in advance. (Waste Pro will not pick up yard waste placed by a commercial or private tree trimming business.)


For special pickup of bulky items (appliances, fixtures, etc.) and very large piles of yard trash, call 606-1899 or 561-0800 to request this service. Pickup should be done within seven work days. Without a special order, bulky items will not be picked upon a timely basis. Please note: excluded from pickup are construction materials including treated woods and doors. All hazardous waste items such as electronics and paints are also excluded but can be taken to the County waste disposal site at 7550 Apalachee Parkway.


Predators, such as coyotes and bobcats, are known in this area and they are a danger to small animals. Cats in particular, since they tend to roam, are especially vulnerable. Please consider keeping them indoors. As well, cats are a danger to birds and other small wildlife.

By Leon County ordinance, dogs outside their yards are to be kept under leash or voice control. If you see dogs running loose without an owner, you can call Leon County Animal Control (during work hours) at 606-5400, or, after hours, the Leon County Sheriff’s non-emergency number 606-3300. If the dogs are loose in the Linene neighborhood, you can also let Bill Needham or Claire Mazur know so a general email can be sent to our neighborhood to alert everyone.

All properties have driveways which are intended for off-street parking.  Please avoid front yard and on-street parking on a regular basis.


Keeping the neighborhood attractive is an important part of the Association’s work. A maintenance vendor has been removing weeds on several islands and working to improve their appearance but there is more work to be done. … Thanks to maintenance committee head Jim M for his work in the maintenance of the Ridgeland Dr. barricade area …. Volunteers for beautification are always appreciated.


If you notice a burned-out street light, please call or email (admin@linenewoods.org) and give the location. She’ll contact the appropriate County office.


We’re in the midst of hurricane season and it’s a good time to look around your yard for any items that could blow around in a high wind. Don’t forget to have extra batteries and water on hand.


The mid-year treasurer’s report shows that we are well within budget. Total expenses to the end of July were $10,200 against a budget of $18,100.


Protecting the trees in Linene Woods is important for preserving the natural wooded look that our homeowners prefer. That’s why removal of trees above a certain size needs to be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). The Covenants state (Article IX) that no large trees of any kind measuring four inches or more in diameter at a height of four feet shall be cut or removed without written approval of the ACC. An exception is any tree located with ten feet of the main house. If you need to have a tree removed (damaged, diseased), contact Steve Halleck, chair of the ACC, at 553-4144. A request form is also on our web site: linenewoods.org

The County will trim or remove hazardous trees that are on the right-of-way. If you have a concern about a tree on the right of way, just call or email the County. Homeowners are responsible for inspecting and maintaining trees on their property. If you are not sure if a tree is dead or diseased, you can contact FAMU 599-3546 for referral to an arborist or our neighbor Clay Culpepper who is with Miller Tree Service.


The winter holidays are coming. Let’s enjoy the holidays but don’t forget to be vigilant about securing your home. Don’t let your house be an invitation for someone to enter (uncollected newspapers, mail, etc.) Leave some lights on while you are away. If you are going to be out of town for an extended time, let your neighbors know so they can keep an eye on things.


If you have changed mailing address, telephone number or email address, please send the changes to admin@linenewoods.org so that the directory and email notification list can be updated. (Email addresses are not included in the directory and are only used to send notices to homeowners. If you do not wish your telephone number to be included in the directory, please let us know.)